Latest news on your Neighbourhood Plan, date for our AGM and details of a Sheer House Public Meeting

Plan Screening
As we report in our last news update the Plan was  sent to WBC for a screening examination.We have  been informed that ’following a thorough assessment the Council is of the opinion that a full SEA, Habitats Regulations and /or Environmental Impact Assessment are not required’ which is very good news.

The full results of this screening may be found on our website or as a hard copy in the  West Byfleet Library.

New Policies

Over the past two months we have been updating the Plan taking into account comments  we received during the public consultation period.
The following new polices have been included with in our Plan:-

BE7 Flood Prevention
A sequential,risk-based approach to the location of development will be supported, in line with National Planning Policies to avoid flood rick in areas of new development.

We will be adding policies to cover, Wastewater and Sewerage, Pylons and Parking provisions, wording for these polices has yet to be agreed.

Once this is completed the Plan will be sent to our Planning Consultant Nigel McKurk  to review.
Other members of the committee are completing the two supporting documents. A Consultation Statement detailing the people and organisations consulted and a Basic Conditions Statement  detailing
as to how the Plan meets National and Local planning policies.
So a great deal of paperwork to complete before we officially submitted the Plan to WBC, which we hope to do within the next couple of months.

 West Byfleet Forum AGM on Friday 28th October 7.30 p.m. at the Cornerstone Centre
The Committee and Chair

In our constitution officers [not the committee members] cannot hold a post for more than three years. Pauline has already stepped down as joint chair as she is in the process of moving house. I will also step down as chair  at our AGM. So we are now looking for a new chairman.  Speaking personally it has been a fascination three years; I have learnt a great deal, met some lovely people and become very involved in local issues.  If anyone or perhaps two people would be interested in taking on the chairman’s roll please contact me on:-
We will also be looking for new committee members  if your interested please  contact me on :-

The Future of the Forum
At the AGM we will  need to discuss how Forum members see the future of the West Byfleet Forum once the plan has been ‘made’.
In Pyrford the Forum committee is staying in place to monitor the Plan and to look at long term community development while working closely with the RA who will focus on short term planning matters and more local issues.
With some much development being proposed with in West Byfleet over the next few years,  do you feel it is important to have a committee that is  solely devoted to West Byfleet Issues?

An important AGM, do join us on the 28th October and let us know your thoughts.
The Forum and the Residents’Association  can only continue if they receive support from local residents.

Sheer House Public Meeting

The Forum and RA committees are proposing to hold a public meeting once  Altitude have handed in their outline planning application to WBC.
A date for a public meeting is proposed for early November but this cannot be confirmed until WBC have recived the planning application which we are lead to understand may be in October

The meeting will be held in St John’s Church by  kind permission of the Vicar and PCC.

As soon as we can confirm a  date for this meeting we will be displaying  notices around the area and will send you details.

Best Regards to you all

Penny Hoskyn
Chair WBNF

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