February 2021 – Member Update

Sheer House Redevelopment

The last stage of planning has commenced and a detailed application is with Woking Council.

You can view the planning application and submit your comments to  WBC using the following link PLAN/2021/0059

Images and plans of the scheme are also available to view on the developers  website:


It is intended that approval will be given at a planning committee meeting on 6th april.


Site Allocations Green Belt Review

Woking Council are unsure how long the process will take. They have many submissions to the consultation to go through. After that the inspector has to review the responses from WBC. The outcome is unlikely to be known until the end of the year.

In the meantime the council will undertake an infrastructure review to see whether West Byfleet can cope with all the new homes that are proposed. The forum will contribute to the review.


Broadoaks Park

Construction of houses and apartments continues and the first residents have moved in. The new care home will provide many jobs when it opens in the autumn.


Community Centre

We are working hard to get this project going. we have contacted many local organisations to get their feedback. All are really positive and keen to support it. We particularly want it to provide space for our youngsters.

Community Infrastructure Levy

We hope you like the new village signs. There will also be some more new benches in the recreation ground in the spring.



This will renew our existence for a further five years. we expect Woking Council to approve it shortly.


Committee Members

We have space for a couple more and we need a new secretary. Please get in touch if you would like to know more. Email- Wade.Pollard@btinternet.com.


It has proved too difficult to arrange one online. Feel free to email any questions about our activites and we will respond.


Our Best Wishes To You And Your Families,

The Committee,

West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum

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