Woking Borough Council has commissioned a review on the Green Belt to look for sites for future development to meet our housing needs.
For details please see:
go to non-technical summary page 5 which will give details of sites recommended for release for development, one of which is West Hall.
Page 9 details recommended sites to be released from green belt protection such as Broadoaks and the West Byfleet infant/middle school sites.
Full public consultation will take place during the winter of 2014 but if you have any comments to make could you please contact Penny Hoskyn [Joint chair WBNF]
email:- penny@wbnf.org
As the owner of The Brambles, Pyrford Road. GU22 8UQ.Our home and land of 2.5 acres which is sandwiched between Pyrford Road, the Nuffield Health Centre.and tennis courts to the East and a day care centre to the South, which are also enclosed by a golf course. It would seem according to your report that our land at present classified as green belt would have a very low rating. If so would that mean that the land could be suitable for the development of several retirement bungalows, as many of the elderly I know do not want to spend the latter part of their lives locked into care homes and retirement flats. Has this form of development been considered as well as starter homes for the younger generation.
Thankyou for asking for accepting my comments. Kind regards David Seear