Referendum Thursday 5th October – Full Details on What you are Voting on

Dear Members and Residents

Drop In West Byfleet Library Speak to a Forum committee member Saturday 30thSeptember from 10 – 3 pm.

Those of you who live in the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area and are eligible to vote, should by now have received notification of a referendum to be held on Thursday 5th October on the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Development Plan.
If you have not please contact Woking Borough Council.

What you are voting for:

The West Byfleet Neighbourhood Development Plan [WBNDP] sets out 25 policies covering the following areas: Built Environment, Commercial Environment, Infrastructure, Open Spaces and Social & Community. These policies can have an influence on how West Byfleet develops over the next 10 years.

The Plan cannot stop development but it can influence it.

Please click here to view a summary of the vision, objectives and policies of the plan.

In the full document details can be found as follows:

Pages 32-36 set out the Plan policies. How those policies were reached may be found in the rest of the Plan document.
Pages 28-29 Future development of Social & Community Facilities shows how the Plan would intend any development of this area of the Recreation Ground to be considered in the future.

What you are not voting for:
·        Planning applications to do with Sheer House
·        Proposed pub planning application on the recreation ground
·        Broadoaks Park Development
·        West Hall

These are all separate issues – although the outcomes of these may be affected by the policies in the Plan.

Your Vote

It is very important that our residents support the Plan – the more people who vote ‘Yes’ the stronger the Plan becomes, the more powers we have as a community to influence proposed developments according to the wishes of West Byfleet residents.

More information may be found on our website :- or at the West Byfleet Library or

Meet a committee member at a ‘Drop In’ West Byfleet Library Saturday 30thSeptember from 10 – 3 pm

WBNF Committee


  1. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - REFERENDUM 5th OCTOBER - PLEASE VOTE YES ! | West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum - October 2, 2017

    […] For full details on what you are voting on; key policies and vision statement please see […]

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