The West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum Committee urgently needs your help!
We are looking for someone who has expertise in planning matters, but any other assistance would also be appreciated.
Results for our last email, just three people have come forward to offer us help.
Please contact Penny on:- or leave a message on this site.
At the WBC Executive committee meeting on the 4th June it was agreed that the Green Belt Review Document should go out for public consultation from 18th June – 31st July.
This Document may be found on the WBC webpage listed under Council and Democracy. Scroll down to Council and Committee meetings, click on Executive Meeting and look for 4th June.
Please click on here to take you there
In West Byfleet the overall position, as we see it is this:-
West Hall land proposed released from green belt for 592 units for development between 2022- 2027.
Broadoaks immediate release for mixed office and housing [ Our feed back from the community was that you are happy for this site, which has been empty for fifteen years, to be used for a mix development.]
There are other areas of land mentioned within this report, but we feel West Hall is the most contentious.
At the public meeting on 1st December 2014 there was overwhelming support to keep our green belt land safe.
We also appreciative that some of our residents feel that new homes are needed in the south east and they have to go somewhere!
But there are many concerns, not least the road system, all this proposed new development is along the Parvis Road.
Much of the proposed housing may be ‘affordable’ this will bring young families into the village, so concerns over school provision, health care, sewage and water supplies etc.
The Forum Committee at the moment is writing your West Byfleet Draft Neighbourhood Plan, so we need your help to now hook at this Green Belt Review Document.
The Byfleet, West Byfleet and Pyrford Residents’ Association has suggested that each village should put any comments to Woking Council via the village Forums.
[ In Byfleet and Pyrford the release of land is for after 2027.]Please forward this info onto your neighbours, friends and spread the word!
Many thanks
Penny Hoskyn Pauline Hedges
Joint Chair WBNF
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