Candidates for forthcoming election asked what their stance is on protecting West Byfleet Recreation Ground

This email has been sent to the Candidates for the upcoming election.


You will all be aware that a developer has proposed building a pub/restaurant on West Byfleet Recreation Ground.

Policy OS1 in our Plan designates the Recreation Ground as “Local Green Space”, only to be built on in exceptional circumstances.

The feedback we have received from many local residents is that they support this policy, and even with the offer of a new pavilion, they do not want land lost from the Recreation Ground to commercial development.

It would be helpful for voters to know your opinion about this Policy which protects the Recreation Ground and other land in West Byfleet as Local Green Space.

My committee hope that you will all give it your unequivocal support

I look forward to your responses which will be published our our website and facebook page.


Wade Pollard,

West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum

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