Sheer House Update report from the WBNF’s AGM on September 28th 2018
After last year’s AGM a Sheer House committee was set up, with members of the West Byfleet Business Association, the Forum and the RA on board.
Stewart Dick as chairman of this committee regularly contacts Stephen Tillman, a director of Altitude, for a progress report.
As you will all know WBC agreed an outline planning application by Altitude, the owners of the Sheer House site.
Outline planning application establish that a development is acceptable in principle, subject to subsequent approval of detailed matters.
Altitudes have always made it very clear that detailed planning application will ensure that the proposed development will be within the approved outline parameters.
So this is the latest update from Altitude…
‘Very little has happened over the summer, which is generally a quiet period, but one would have hoped to be further on.
We have two tenancies to sort out to secure Vacant Possession, which is critical to enable us to start on site. Unfortunately there are difficulties so this is taking longer than expected.
We are in discussions with the Post Office and a chemist about re-siting them during the development.
But perhaps the most important statement is,
‘We also continue in our pursuit for a house building partner’.
We know that residents are concerned that nothing seems to be happening, but perhaps Brexit, the general financial situation and possibly all the flat building works taking place in Woking has not really helped us here in West Byfleet.
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