- Green Belt Review
- New Draft Site Allocations have been proposed by the council Planning Working Group
- The council meeting takes place Thursday 20thOctober 7.00pm.
The new Draft Site Allocations, proposed by the planning working group, have been published by the council and will be debated and voted on at the council meeting on October 20th
The document can be accessed here:
The document lists the sites which are now proposed should be removed from the Green Belt, included in these is the land at West Hall, as well as the School playing fields etc
As we have said before the West Byfleet Forum is licensed by WBC to write a Neigbourhood Plan, we cannot appose any new developments, we can only influence their design.
As you may be aware the Residents’ Association is short of committee members so the Forum has taken on to update and keep residents informed on local issues.
Please pass on this information to your friends, neighbours who may be interested.
In Pyrford a group was set up to appose the release of land within their area from the green belt. This group Pyrford’s Green Belt Action Group is speaking for 3 minutes in defense of their green belt at this WBC meeting. As far as we are aware there is no action group/ person speaking on behalf of West Byfleet residents.
Sheer House
With in this request for EIA scoping from Altitude there are some details of what is proposed for this site.
Once an outline planning application is with WBC the RA / Forum will hold a public meeting to explain what is being proposed and to encourage feed back to WBC.
We were informed that this planning application would be handed into WBC in September…but we are still waiting!
Station Approach
Request for EIA scoping opinion for the development of land to the North of Old Woking Road and East of Station Approach, West Byfleet. – Land North Of Old Woking Road And East Of Station Approach West Byfleet Old Woking Road West Byfleet Surrey
Ref. No: PLAN/2016/0922 | Received date: Mon 01 Aug 2016 | Status: Environmental scoping opinion issued | Case Type: Planning Application
12 October 2016 to send in comment by 4th November 2016
Application for Planning Permission
Reference: PLAN/2016/1003 | Application Type: Full Planning Application |
Proposal: Full planning application for the change of use of vacant class B1 business building [Sherwood House] to Class D1 secondary school with playing field and Multi Use Games Area (MUGA), floodlighting, landscaping, internal roads, car, mini bus and cycle parking areas, restoration and change of use of Model Dairy to a shop/office [ancillary to the use of the school]; demolition and removal of all former MOD and other buildings, hardstanding and structures across the site apart from the part demolition, restoration and conversion of Broadoaks House to create two dwellings and erection of two new garages, part demolition, restoration and extension to the Coach House to create six dwellings and restoration and reuse of the two Lodge Houses as independent dwellings and erection of 2 new garages, erection of 147 new dwellings including 32 affordable dwellings and associated garages, together with new altered access points to Parvis Road and Hobbs Close and separate pedestrian/cycle link from Parvis Road, associated internal roads, fencing including acoustic fencing to Parvis Road frontage and hard and soft landscaping throughout the site and off site highway works. | |
Location: Broadoaks, Parvis Road, West Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 7AA |
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