The third West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum AGM will be held on Friday 28th October 7.30 p.m. at the Cornerstone Centre, St John’s Church West Byfleet.
Everyone is very welcome to join us for a chat over tea or coffee.
- We will give an update on The Plan, which the Forum committee hope to present to WBC within the next few weeks.
- Update on planning matters within West Byfleet.
- For discussion and to vote on the future of the West Byfleet Forum once the Plan is ‘Made’….and is in place.
- Election of the committee and new Chairman.
In our constitution an officer may not be in place for more than three years. Pauline Hedges has already resigned and Penny Hoskyn will resign as chair at the AGM.
Wade Pollard, who has been a committee member from the conception of the Forum and a life long residents of West Byfleet has come forward to stand as Chairman for the next three years.
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