Policies Questionnaire (Survey 5: Draft Policies Survey) and Plan Report January 2016 –

As explained at our AGM in November the main work of the West Byfleet Forum committee is to produce our Neighbourhood Plan. Any policies or projects which are included within our Plan must have been promoted by the community; we started with a blank canvas presuming nothing.

This is why over the past 20 months we have been sending out questionnaires and sought your views at drop in events, and other public meetings. Your comments form the foundation of your Neighbourhood Plan.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time and trouble to come back to us with your comments.

The results from these consultations were published in the proposed policies questionnaires which were sent to each home in November. All these proposed policies have received over 94% support from those who responded to the questionnaire.

The full results and comments from the policies questionnaire can be viewed here

Three proposed policies receiving 100% support. Two of these policies CO1 and I1 are to do with traffic/ parking and the Sheer House complex both of which issues have promoted much observations and criticism from you all.


 CO1   Development within the West Byfleet District Centre which supports its vitality and viability will be supported.

 I1 Roads development proposals which result in significant harm to residents and adversely affect highway safety and utilisation will be resisted.


Members of the WBNForum and the West Byfleet Business Association committees have metStephen Tillmana directors of Altitude Real Estates, the new owners of Sheer House.At their request, we have passing on tohim your many comments and also your aspirations for the West Byfleet Centre area. [Names etc have been removed] Do try and get along to their ‘workshop’ evening on 4thFebruary between 6 – 8 pm for residentsat the Cornerstones Centre.


The third proposed policy to receive 100% support was OS3, which seeks to protect our very important green spaces.

At our AGM it was proposed and agreed that Birch Walk area be designated a village green and an area of land at the Sheerwater Road end of WoodlandsAvenue be designated a local green space, thereby giving them protection similar to that offered to Green Belt.

Another area which has drawn many comments is the recreation ground. People would like to see the play area updates and better facilities. We are setting up a group of residents to draw up a ‘concept plan’ for this area, if you would be interested in becoming involved please contact us on ww.wbnf.org

The vision statement was also agreed at the AGM as printed in the questionnaire.

With advice from our planning consultant Nigel McGurk a great amount of work has now been completed on our proposed draft Plan  which we will present to WBCon 24th February2016 for their comments.  In due course we will present the completed draft Plan toour residents for a six weeks public consultation period when we would encourage you all to please look at the Plan and to submit your comments to us.

After this consultation and amendments we go back to our planning consultant for a final check before   we hand in the completed revised Plan to WBC.

WBC will put the Plan out for another six week consultaion.

Eventually residents will be asked to vote for or against the Plan in a referendum…


Penny Hoskyn Pauline Hedges

Joint Chair WBNF

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