West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum Policies Questionnaire November 2015


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The West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum was set up following a public meeting in November 2013 with the aim of developing a Neighbourhood Plan under the Localism Act 2011 legislation. The West Byfleet Plan will cover the life of the present Woking Core Strategy document which is in place until 2027. The WBNF committee, made up of local volunteers, have been meeting regularly with the aim of preparing a Plan which will deliver our vision (please see inside for the Vision Statement). Local opinions have been sought via meeting local stake holders, public drop in meetings, stands at local events, and questionnaires sent to each household and business in our area. This questionnaire is your chance to comment on the proposed policies which will become part of your Neighbourhood Plan. It is important that you indicate your views on the proposed policies. Every household member may complete this questionnaire. Relevant maps & the evidence for our policies drawn from the questionnaire results may be found on our website www.wbnf.org or in the community corner of the West Byfleet Library.
A final public consultation of the complete Plan will take place over a six week period in early 2016 before the WBNF submit the Plan to Woking Borough Council (WBC). The Plan once submitted to Woking Borough Council will be checked that it complies with EU regulations and meets other core plans before it is published for a 6 week public consultation period. Any comments will be noted and the Plan updated before it is sent to an independent examiner. Finally the Plan is put to the residents of the WBNF area who are on the electoral roll for a public referendum when you will be asked are you ‘for the Plan?’ or ‘against the Plan?’. If more than 50% of those who vote are ‘for the Plan’ it will form part of the Development Plan for our area up to 2027.
Please note the Plan cannot stop development but can influence it. We cannot plan for less development. The Plan is to reflect long term local development and not any specific current situation.

Please complete the questionnaire by the 11th of December



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