Minutes of West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum Committee Meeting 4th December 2013
Penny Hoskyn, PH (Joint Chair) Pauline Hedges, HE (Joint Chair) Mark Fuller, MF (Webmaster) Fui Ling Bolton, FLB (Membership Secretary) Emma Hier, EH (Publicity Officer) Ian Yates, IY (Secretary) Mark Fletcher, FL Phil Wilson, FW David Hastie, DH Rod Steel, RS (to become an Affiliate Member after this committee meeting)
Website & Communications
MF to host initially simple website on his servers. Will be WordPress based so easy to edit. Can use the Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress for online new member forms. Minutes, agendas, committee membership list etc. all to be posted on website. The domain wbnf.org is expected to have an annual cost £8.23 + VAT. The cost of hosting the website from Dec 2013 – Oct 2014 will be £82.50 +VAT
EH to draft poster and circulate for comment. Then to be posted on public noticeboards and in any other viable locations in the village. A WBNF stand will be at the Residents Association drop-in on 25 Jan 2-5pm at Catholic Church Hall. EH to confirm whether she is able to attend.
PH asked committee members to keep an open mind when considering the boundaries, for the sake of coming to an agreement with Pyrford NF. The history of the Pyrford NF boundary development was reviewed again. Pyford NF members arrived and were welcomed to the meeting.
Joint Meeting with Pyrford NF
Also Present: Martin Doyle, MD (Chair) Angela Doyle, AD (Membership Secretary) Cliff Bolton, CB (Publicity Officer) Carole Gayle, CG Geoff Geaves, GG Ian Makowski, IM Chris Daly, CD Charles Crooker, CK Derek Berriman, DB Richard Ley, RL Julian Walham, JW
The history of the Pyrford NF boundary development was reviewed again. At the public meeting on 1st September, the ward boundary was dismissed because it was considered not to represent where people live. Most people agreed with Councillor Richard Wilson when he said that the postcode boundary should be used. However a couple of people were not satisfied with that so the parish boundary was then considered. The proposal ended up as the modified parish boundary, taking in additional properties to the north. The remainder of the history was also reviewed. The results of a recent poll of Pyrford NF members were then reviewed and it was stated that 45% agreed that the postcode boundary should be used. All other options had significantly lower percentages (which are not minuted).
It was stated to general agreement that nobody present wanted a ‘them & us’ situation (West Byfleet & Pyrford). The two Forums would need to work effectively together.
A proposal to adopt the parish boundary as the border between the two Neighbourhood Areas was tabled by GG, seconded by RL and PW. RS objected. DH abstained. All others present were in favour and the proposal was passed.
A joint letter from both Forums to be drafted and sent to inform residents in the area bounded by the postcode boundary and the original Pyrford application boundary that the compromise of adopting the parish boundary has been agreed upon by both committees.
MD to inform Woking Borough Council (WBC) of the decision.
Pyford Forum members departed.
WBNF Committee Meeting Reconvened
Neighbourhood Development Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan must align with the WBC Core Strategy (Woking 2027). It is unclear whether the Neighbourhood Plan would also need to align with the Development Plan for Woking, which is currently being drawn up.
Post meeting note: the government planning portal website states that “…the plans must still meet the needs of the wider area. In most cases we expect this will mean that neighbourhood plans will have to take into account the local council’s assessment of housing and other development needs in the area.” Could this arguably mean that the Neighbourhood Plan might need to be in accordance with the WBC Local Development Framework (which encompasses the Core Strategy and all other WBC Local Development Documents)?
The application is to be submitted on Tuesday 10th December
Draft Constitution
It was agreed upon that councillors are not to have a vote on the committee (it is possible to change this clause later).
3.3 The quorum for the committee will be 7 (seven) members.
3.4 An officer may serve no more than 3 terms consecutively.
3.10 Annual General Meetings will normally be held in October or as close to such date as practicable.
3.15 The treasurers were nominated as bank signatories (in their absence).
Affiliate Membership (non-voting) will be open to neighbours in the vicinity of but outside the WB Neighbourhood Area.
Rod Steel to become an Affiliate Member of WBNF, since he resides outside the WB Neighbourhood Area as agreed upon during the meeting with Pyrford NF.
Post meeting note: Ernest Amoako has confirmed that a person cannot be a member of two Forums. If someone from another Forum (or any other person who does not reside or work in the WB Neighbourhood Area) is co-opted into the WBNF cannot vote.
Next Meeting
7.30 pm Wednesday 19th February 2014, West Byfleet Social Club (this date was changed post meeting by the joint chairs)
Residents Association to fund meeting room hire at £10/h.
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