“Due to ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the Council is unable to host face-to-face meetings. Instead, online video Zoom sessions will take place, where officers will be available to answer questions. Sessions will be held on:
- Thursday 1 October, 1pm
- Tuesday 13 October, 6pm
- Wednesday 21 October, 4pm
Residents and interested parties wishing to attend an online session should email planning.policy@woking.gov.uk to register their interest. Log-in details to the Zoom meeting will be forwarded prior to the sessions commencing.
To view the proposed main modifications, please visit www.woking2027.info/allocations
The proposed main modifications to the Site Allocations DPD and its supporting documents are also available to view at Woking and Knaphill libraries. Please visit www.surreycc.gov.uk for the address and opening times of each library.
Residents wishing to submit their feedback to the proposed main Site Allocation DPD modifications can do so online at www.woking2027.info/allocations, by email to planning.policy@woking.gov.uk or in writing to Planning Policy Team, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL.
All responses must be submitted before the consultation closes at 5pm, Monday 16 November 2020.
Residents that require a paper copy or a USB stick of documents, or further information or guidance about the Zoom meetings should contact Woking Borough Council’s Planning Policy Team on 01483 743871 or email planning.policy@woking.gov.uk“
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