Prioritising the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

At its meeting on 22 January 2019, the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Forum Committee debated the compilation of a ‘123 List’ to prioritise the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)* monies due to come to the Neighbourhood Area as a result of new developments such as Broadoaks Park and the Sheer House Complex.

As a matter of urgency the Forum is putting together a list of community projects that could be carried out using the CIL and prioritising them.  The choice of projects on the list is primarily based on those included in the policies of the Neighbourhood Plan published in 2017 which, in turn, were based on extensive consultation with local residents.  Examples include the provision of new sports and recreational facilities on the Recreation Ground, new community space, improvements to the station underpass, facilities for scouts and guides, bike stands, benches etc.

An early draft of the 123 List will be submitted to WBC as soon as possible so that the Council has a preliminary understanding of residents’ wishes when the CIL monies start to be paid by developers.  The list will then be developed further as more information becomes available.

The meeting also discussed the development of a ‘Concept Plan’ for the Byfleet Corner area of West Byfleet village.  This is an area of particular significance to the local community and includes the schools, St John’s church, the Bowls Club and many other facilities for social and community use (see Neighbourhood Plan p29).  The Concept Plan will incorporate the items on the 123 List that relate to this part of the village and will take account of the views expressed by residents in the WBNF AGM in October 2018 when asked to consider if/how they would like the Recreation Ground to be developed.  It will seek to ensure that any development of sports, recreational and community facilities in that area is done in a holistic rather than piecemeal way.

The Forum will then consult with stakeholders (WBC, SCC, schools, church, Bowls Club etc) to ensure the 123 List and the Concept Plan meet as far as possible with local needs and wishes and have the support of the community.


*CIL is charged by councils to developers to pay for infrastructure when planning applications are approved. Some of the revenue is made available to the local community to benefit the neighbourhood in which the development occurs. As West Byfleet has a formal Neighbourhood Plan approved by WBC, the community is entitled to 25% of the charge rather than just 15% and the council has a statutory duty to consult the Forum on how and where it is spent.

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