UPDATE – The Plan and whats going on in the area

Update on the West Byfleet Plan.

Thank you to everyone who responded during the pubic consultation period and who came to talk to us at our various stands.
Over the next few weeks we will look at the comments from residents and from  the many official organizations we had to contact such as WBC,  Historic England, Surrey CC, Nation Trust, West Hall Estates etc etc
At the moment the Plan is with WBC planning dept while they carry out a screen assessment  to consider if our plan is in line with EU environmental directives. This will take about five weeks to complete.

Byfleet and West Byfleet Councillor’s ‘Surgery’ hours.

Our  three independent Councillors, John Bond, Amanda Boote and Mary Bridgeman will be holding a ‘Surgery’  each first Wednesdayof the month, starting on the 3rd August from 4.30 – 5.30 p.m. at Cornerstone, St John’s Church West Byfleet. Do go and have a chat with them if you have any problems relating to Council business.

The bench in Birch Walk.
During the Forum’s  first public consultation  drop in a request was place for a bench in Birch Walk so that people [ particularly the elderly] who walked to and from the shops in West Byfleet had a pace to rest on their way. Our then Councillor Richard Wilson arranged for a bench to be installed. Unfortunately WBC are now looking to remove this bench for the following reasons.
People consuming alcohol at all times of day
Youths smoking (sometimes cannabis) and using foul language, loudly
In the absence of a bin, litter is constantly left on the ground surrounding the bench and on the bench
On 21 July 2016 someone had set fire to what looked like a newspaper on the right-hand end of the bench and the burnt debris was left on the bench. This could have been very dangerous
Most weekdays the bench is sat on for several hours by members of (I think) The Church of Latter-Day Saints with their trolley of leaflets. While they do not cause any trouble, offend or plague anybody, their prolonged use of the bench is stopping other people from using the bench who may wish to do so for its intended purpose
On 22 July 2016 at 9.30 am a couple in their 40s headed towards the bench. The man sat on the back with his feet on the seat and started drinking cans of alcohol from his carrier bag, while the woman he was with staggered over to the water channel (I am unsure of its name) behind the trees and proceeded to prepare to urinate there.
The local police have been informed , residents are advised to call 101 to report any issues or speak to a local Councillor.
Yvette Lanham, Neighbourhood Officer at WBC is monitoring  the situation but if things do not improve unfortunately the bench will have to be removed. A great shame!

Sheer House Complex
We understand an outline planning application will be placed with WBC in September/ October time.
The Forum , the Residents’ Association and our local Councillors are keeping a close eye on the situation, we will update you when we know more details.

In the meantime let us hope for some long warm summer days!



Regards to all
Penny Hoskyn
Joint Chair WBNF

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